This is a simple, free way to put a small amount of money towards your loans. In fact, its one of our Best Credit Cards for Students. Create an account, plug in all of your credit cards and loyalty cards, and earn cash back on certain products or at specific stores. If you are buying anything online, click through the link on the website, and you can earn 5 percent cash back. Since you’re dealing with your student loans and won’t be doing much shopping, you can also share the link with your family and friends and let them earn money for you. You can opt to link this directly to any Sallie Mae student loan you have, or you can get a check backBig Boss vote
Saturday, December 21, 2019
Depending your loan type, you may opt for a deferment
Depending your loan type, you may opt for a deferment if you’re in school, experiencing an economic hardship, an active military member, or another approved situation. If that’s the case, opt to continue making interest payments on your loan to help alleviate the burden once your deferment ends.
Enrolling in automatic payments can lower your interest rate
Enrolling in automatic payments can lower your interest rate, depending your lender. While it may only be small amount, that fraction of a percentage point can really add up over time. For example, Sallie Mae offers a 0.25 percentage point reduction of a loan’s interest if you qualify for auto-debit. But even if you won’t get a break, automating your payment can eliminate the possibility of late fees and missed payments, which only add to the debt pile.
If you can move to a more walkable location, you may be able to sell your car
If you don’t want to move to these specific areas, moving can actually help you tackle your student loans in other ways, too. Moving closer to your job lowers commuting costs. Consider downgrading or moving to an apartment with a cheaper rent. If you’re not currently tied down to a job, you can move to an area with lower costs of living. If you can move to a more walkable location, you may be able to sell your car. Between a car payment, insurance, maintenance, gas, parking, tolls, registration fees, and other costs, think about how much you could save by not owning a car. These can all result in you putting that extra money towards your student loan debt.
many destinations offer student loan assistance if you move there. Kansas
In an effort to get young, educated professionals to come, many destinations offer student loan assistance if you move there. Kansas; Detroit; Niagara Falls, N.Y.; and Saskatchewan, Canada are all places that are willing to give you some type of reimbursement for moving there. Just like with the other types of student loan forgiveness options, there are strings attached. You might have to live in a certain community or neighborhood, work at specific company, or commit to staying there for a designated amount of time.
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